With the addition of a new trainer
(Joey Iversen) to our training team we have expanded our class
Your new puppy
is learning something every waking moment. The best time to start guiding that
learning is the moment you bring the puppy home. The All Things PAWSitive PUPPY LIFE PROGRAM takes you through the first stages of your
puppy's life. The course has two segments: Puppy Life I and Puppy Life II. The
classes are specifically ordered to meet the changing needs and stages of your
puppies development; physically, emotionally and behaviorally. Class
sizes are 6 dogs maximum for individual attention and fill quickly so sign up
early by calling us at 425-882-8000 or click here.
Puppy Life I is for puppies between
7 and 12 weeks old at the start of the
class. This is the ideal time to start your dog's education off on the right
foot. This training class focuses on teaching puppies in the way they learn
best. We focus on teaching the behaviors most important to becoming a safe,
happy, cherished member of the family throughout their life including: Come when
called, sit on cue, lie down on cue, stay when told, walk politely on leash,
greet people without jumping up on them, calm, quiet behavior when needed, and
more. More important, this class teaches you how to teach your dog - not just in
a classroom training session, but whenever and wherever you're interacting with
him. We use the most innovative training based on solid scientific research. We
want to help you guide your puppy to practice what you want him to learn. We
want to help you have the dog of your dreams, one you will be proud to live
Puppy Life II is
for puppies between 14 and 20 weeks old at the start of the class. The second
half of a puppy's first year continues with lots of changes and stages. Puppy
Life II takes you through the next phases to ensure you have the dog of your
dreams. We will build on and strengthen the behaviors introduced in Puppy Life
I. We continue to develop and guide proper social interactions with both dogs
and people. Behavior challenges are addressed with effective, safe, positive
solutions. We will add new behaviors that prepare you for agility, obedience,
Frisbee dog, Therapy dog, and achieving the Canine Good Citizen certificate or
whatever you and your dog will enjoy together.
Prerequisite: Puppy Life I (or
equivalent) or instructor approval
TRIX STUDIO (Sat 1:45-2:45)
PAWSitive we love to have fun with our dogs. Our Trix class is all about fun and
building a team with your puppy. We will use the clicker training method to
learn fun and entertaining tricks. The steps to learning tricks are taught
enabling you to use this format and your imagination to astound your friends and
family with amazing feats with your canine friend. You can use tricks to enhance
your relationship with your dog, improve your dog’s attention and reduce your
dog’s stress in unfamiliar situations. Teaching tricks allows you to give your
dog a purpose and expend his/her energy in a fun and product way. All ages of
dogs are welcome.
Dogs have an
amazing sense of smell and a natural desire to hunt. This class focuses on
teaching you how to encourage and develop your dog’s natural scenting abilities
by using their desire to hunt and their love of toys, food and exercise. It’s a
great class for your dog to have fun, build confidence, and burn lots of mental
and physical energy and to find out just how good is your dog?s nose. Our
approach to teaching dogs to do scent work for fun is based on the foundation
skills used in K9 detection. The unique curriculum we have adopted in our
classes promotes a positive, fun and motivationally-based methodology. All ages
of dogs are welcome.
By Redmond-Kirkland/Redmond-Fall City
Animal Hospitals