Monday, December 17, 2012
Holiday Dog-Friendly Treat Recipe
Here is a dog-friendly treat recipe that your canine companion is sure to love.
Holiday Dog-Friendly Treat Recipe:
1 cup shredded roasted turkey meat
1/4 cup breadcrumbs
1 large egg, beaten
1/2 sweet potato--baked, skin discarded and potato coarsely chopped
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 tablespoons cranberry sauce
In a medium bowl, combine the turkey and breadcrumbs. Mix gently with your hands, then mix in the egg and sweet potato. Shape into two 1/2-inch-thick patties.
In a medium skillet, heat the oil over medium heat. Add the patties and cook, turning once, until golden-brown, about 5 minutes. Transfer to a paper-towel-lined plate to drain. Top with the cranberry sauce and let your canine enjoy!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Welcome Dr. King!
We are excited to welcome Dr. King to our team! Dr. King graduated from the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine in 2006. She practiced for 4 and 1/2 years at a small animal clinic in Danville Illinois. In 2010, she moved w
ith her husband to the Redmond area where she practiced for two years at a feline only clinic. She is excited to join Redmond-Kirkland and Redmond-Fall City Animal hospitals and once again practice with dogs. Her special interests include preventative and internal medicine, feline medicine and Ophthalmology. While not at the clinic, she enjoys spending time outdoors with her husband and their 7 year old lab mix Cody or at home with their two crazy cats, Kaci and Rocky. Welcome Dr. King!
Monday, November 19, 2012
Holiday Foods
The holidays are almost here, and it’s important to remember
to keep your pet safe from dangerous foods. Many of the foods we eat during the
holidays, including chocolate, sugary desserts, rich meats, and more are
dangerous for our pets to consume. Be sure to advise your holiday guests to not
feed scraps to your pets.
Friday, November 16, 2012
With the addition of a new trainer
(Joey Iversen) to our training team we have expanded our class
Your new puppy
is learning something every waking moment. The best time to start guiding that
learning is the moment you bring the puppy home. The All Things PAWSitive PUPPY LIFE PROGRAM takes you through the first stages of your
puppy's life. The course has two segments: Puppy Life I and Puppy Life II. The
classes are specifically ordered to meet the changing needs and stages of your
puppies development; physically, emotionally and behaviorally. Class
sizes are 6 dogs maximum for individual attention and fill quickly so sign up
early by calling us at 425-882-8000 or click here.
Puppy Life I is for puppies between
7 and 12 weeks old at the start of the
class. This is the ideal time to start your dog's education off on the right
foot. This training class focuses on teaching puppies in the way they learn
best. We focus on teaching the behaviors most important to becoming a safe,
happy, cherished member of the family throughout their life including: Come when
called, sit on cue, lie down on cue, stay when told, walk politely on leash,
greet people without jumping up on them, calm, quiet behavior when needed, and
more. More important, this class teaches you how to teach your dog - not just in
a classroom training session, but whenever and wherever you're interacting with
him. We use the most innovative training based on solid scientific research. We
want to help you guide your puppy to practice what you want him to learn. We
want to help you have the dog of your dreams, one you will be proud to live
Puppy Life II is
for puppies between 14 and 20 weeks old at the start of the class. The second
half of a puppy's first year continues with lots of changes and stages. Puppy
Life II takes you through the next phases to ensure you have the dog of your
dreams. We will build on and strengthen the behaviors introduced in Puppy Life
I. We continue to develop and guide proper social interactions with both dogs
and people. Behavior challenges are addressed with effective, safe, positive
solutions. We will add new behaviors that prepare you for agility, obedience,
Frisbee dog, Therapy dog, and achieving the Canine Good Citizen certificate or
whatever you and your dog will enjoy together.
Prerequisite: Puppy Life I (or
equivalent) or instructor approval
TRIX STUDIO (Sat 1:45-2:45)
PAWSitive we love to have fun with our dogs. Our Trix class is all about fun and
building a team with your puppy. We will use the clicker training method to
learn fun and entertaining tricks. The steps to learning tricks are taught
enabling you to use this format and your imagination to astound your friends and
family with amazing feats with your canine friend. You can use tricks to enhance
your relationship with your dog, improve your dog’s attention and reduce your
dog’s stress in unfamiliar situations. Teaching tricks allows you to give your
dog a purpose and expend his/her energy in a fun and product way. All ages of
dogs are welcome.
Dogs have an
amazing sense of smell and a natural desire to hunt. This class focuses on
teaching you how to encourage and develop your dog’s natural scenting abilities
by using their desire to hunt and their love of toys, food and exercise. It’s a
great class for your dog to have fun, build confidence, and burn lots of mental
and physical energy and to find out just how good is your dog?s nose. Our
approach to teaching dogs to do scent work for fun is based on the foundation
skills used in K9 detection. The unique curriculum we have adopted in our
classes promotes a positive, fun and motivationally-based methodology. All ages
of dogs are welcome.
By Redmond-Kirkland/Redmond-Fall City
Animal Hospitals
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Antifreeze Danger
Antifreeze is a dangerous substance that could injure or
kill your pet! Make sure you keep it stored out of reach and always clean up
any leaks or spills. This can keep your pet safe.
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
November Patient of the Month: Sheila
Sheila is our November Patient of the Month! Shelia has been not only an avid Doggie Daycare attendee but started out visiting both Redmond Kirkland, and Redmond Fall City Animal Hospital for her annual exams and vaccinations. Her parents love the fact that if anything should ever happen while she is enjoying her day at All Things Pawsitive Daycare, they can rest assured she will be treated by kind and experienced doctors and technicians. Shelia is also a very friendly photogenic dog that always greets the reception staff with a friendly kiss and trick for treat. Whether coming or going Shelia always puts a smile on our faces, and this makes her Patient of the Month!
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
The Deceptively Cute Newt: 'You don't want to kiss them'
It's hard to imagine this sweet-looking creature with the face of E.T. is 10,000
times more toxic than a slug of cyanide, but so it is.
The orange-bellied, rough-skinned newt is one of the most poisonous creatures going. The merest bite creates a severe burning sensation in the mouth.
Every known mammal spits them out instantly — except men in bars who have been drinking heavily. A 29-year-old from Oregon went into a bar July 9, 1979, and, on a bet, swallowed a rough-skinned newt. He was dead before the day was out.
No known antidote exists for a newt's poison, packed by both juveniles and adults in glands in their skin, and even their eggs.
The poison is tetrodotoxin, or TTX, and is found in Japanese puffer fish and some species of South American frogs.
Taricha granulosa, not surprisingly, have no predators, but the common garter snake is immune to their poison. The newt's deadliest foe is the automobile.
Newts are slaughtered every spring as they cross roads to head to their breeding ponds. Habitat destruction is also doing them in. Washington's amphibians are actually in greater peril than those in any state except California, Oregon and Nevada. Here, 32 percent of the state's amphibian species are at risk, a recent Nature Conservancy study found.
Rough-skinned-newt populations are an exception, so far. They are among the five most-common amphibians in Washington, and also one of the easiest to find and identify.
Up to 8 inches long, and lizard-like in appearance, newts could pass for baby dinosaurs with their rugged, grainy skin, and brontosaurus-like body.
They are the only salamander that is active above ground, out in the open and during the day — and slow-footed to boot. Why not, when you are poison-packed?
Rough-skinned newts belie their name at breeding time, when the brown, granular skin of the male becomes smooth and supple. The tail also changes shape, becoming more flat and paddle-like for swimming.
The sight of newts on the move to the breeding ponds is one of the earliest signs of spring. The mating season, already under way, kicks off well before Valentine's Day and extends through April.
Newts are site-faithful, always returning to the same breeding pond.
Their homing instinct is remarkable: In one experiment, every newt transported in a light-tight bucket more than a mile from their home pond found the way back within a year, said Bill Leonard, an endangered-species biologist for the National Marine Fisheries Service.
Once at the pond, males patrol the shore for females. So hair-trigger ready are they for breeding that if a stick is tossed in their path, the males will approach it to see if it is a mate, said Robert Storm, professor emeritus at Oregon State University.
A single female approaching the breeding pond can be swarmed by dozens of males, creating a wiggling wad of newts big as a softball.
Courtship is an elaborate and lengthy affair.
The male grasps the female behind her front legs and crawls on her back, locking onto her and holding her tight for hours, underwater, where the two breathe through their skin.
Afterward, the male walks in front of his mate — underwater. As he walks along in the shallows, she follows closely, picking up jellied packets he has left topped with a dollop of sperm.
She stores the sperm inside her reproductive tract until she lays her eggs. The fertilized eggs are deposited one at a time on subaquatic vegetation.
Larvae hatch out within about a month, depending on water temperature. They emerge equipped with tiny, feathered external gills, giving them a space-alien appearance. The newts spend the spring and summer swimming about and chowing down on larvae and other tiny fare.
By August, their feathered gills have been re-absorbed to tiny nubbins and the newts have grown lungs and nostrils. They head to the uplands and the forest with the coming of the autumn rains.
Rough-skinned newts hunt their food, walking the forest floor and wagging their heads from side to side in search of snails, small slugs, insects and other invertebrates, which they bag with their sticky tongues.
Living three to 10 years, newts can be found in surprising density: Leonard remembers collecting 500 newts in one trap on one night at Fort Lewis.
Kelly McAllister, a biologist with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, has been monitoring a pond south of Olympia for nearly 10 years. He has never come back without seeing some newts.
Virginia rails and blackbirds that share the boggy realm of the newt don't even come near as the newts swagger about on land, with their all-terrain, hand over hand, four-wheel amphibian drive. Eat one, and those birds would be dead in 10 minutes.
Scientists have exhaustively examined the newt's astounding toxicity, learning by force-feeding macerated newt skin to various animals that a single newt contains enough neurotoxin to keel over 1,500 white mice.
Scientists have tested 30 potential predators of newts, from belted kingfishers to great blue herons to bullfrogs and fish, finding in every case that the newt killed them.
Sometimes the newt crawled unharmed out of the gasping mouth of the deceased within minutes of being swallowed.
A sample of the poison had lost none of its potency when examined 11 months after storage.
Rough-skinned newts are common from the Coast Range near San Francisco through the entire west side of Washington all the way to Southeast Alaska. They are found as far east in Washington as Klickitat County. They are one of the most common amphibians in Western Washington, along with Pacific tree frogs, red-legged frogs and long-toed salamanders.
Handling them is a treat: They have soft, smooth skin, sweet faces and delicate, grasping arms and toes. It's OK to pick them up, but don't mistakenly brush your fingers to your lips or mouth until you wash your hands thoroughly.
Light as a ballpoint pen, a newt will rest in the palm, climbing with its forearms up to the index finger to have a look around. Look it in the eye, and the newt stares right back with a wise expression, not seeming a bit worried. Placed back on the ground, it walks off sedately, with a one-bite-and-you're-dead strut.
If startled, newts will sometimes display a so-called unken reflex: They shut their eyes and arch their back and tail upward to display a cantaloupe-orange belly. It's a warning to a potential predator of the newt's toxicity: The combination of a dark-brown, almost-black back and orange belly is a well-known Mr. Yuk sign in nature.
For all their toxicity, their appeal is undeniable.
"They are one of my favorites," said Lynn Havsall, former director of the Camp Long Nature Center in Seattle. "So beautiful. You just don't want to kiss them."
The orange-bellied, rough-skinned newt is one of the most poisonous creatures going. The merest bite creates a severe burning sensation in the mouth.
Every known mammal spits them out instantly — except men in bars who have been drinking heavily. A 29-year-old from Oregon went into a bar July 9, 1979, and, on a bet, swallowed a rough-skinned newt. He was dead before the day was out.
No known antidote exists for a newt's poison, packed by both juveniles and adults in glands in their skin, and even their eggs.
The poison is tetrodotoxin, or TTX, and is found in Japanese puffer fish and some species of South American frogs.
Taricha granulosa, not surprisingly, have no predators, but the common garter snake is immune to their poison. The newt's deadliest foe is the automobile.
Newts are slaughtered every spring as they cross roads to head to their breeding ponds. Habitat destruction is also doing them in. Washington's amphibians are actually in greater peril than those in any state except California, Oregon and Nevada. Here, 32 percent of the state's amphibian species are at risk, a recent Nature Conservancy study found.
Rough-skinned-newt populations are an exception, so far. They are among the five most-common amphibians in Washington, and also one of the easiest to find and identify.
Up to 8 inches long, and lizard-like in appearance, newts could pass for baby dinosaurs with their rugged, grainy skin, and brontosaurus-like body.
They are the only salamander that is active above ground, out in the open and during the day — and slow-footed to boot. Why not, when you are poison-packed?
Rough-skinned newts belie their name at breeding time, when the brown, granular skin of the male becomes smooth and supple. The tail also changes shape, becoming more flat and paddle-like for swimming.
The sight of newts on the move to the breeding ponds is one of the earliest signs of spring. The mating season, already under way, kicks off well before Valentine's Day and extends through April.
Newts are site-faithful, always returning to the same breeding pond.
Their homing instinct is remarkable: In one experiment, every newt transported in a light-tight bucket more than a mile from their home pond found the way back within a year, said Bill Leonard, an endangered-species biologist for the National Marine Fisheries Service.
Once at the pond, males patrol the shore for females. So hair-trigger ready are they for breeding that if a stick is tossed in their path, the males will approach it to see if it is a mate, said Robert Storm, professor emeritus at Oregon State University.
A single female approaching the breeding pond can be swarmed by dozens of males, creating a wiggling wad of newts big as a softball.
Courtship is an elaborate and lengthy affair.
The male grasps the female behind her front legs and crawls on her back, locking onto her and holding her tight for hours, underwater, where the two breathe through their skin.
Afterward, the male walks in front of his mate — underwater. As he walks along in the shallows, she follows closely, picking up jellied packets he has left topped with a dollop of sperm.
She stores the sperm inside her reproductive tract until she lays her eggs. The fertilized eggs are deposited one at a time on subaquatic vegetation.
Larvae hatch out within about a month, depending on water temperature. They emerge equipped with tiny, feathered external gills, giving them a space-alien appearance. The newts spend the spring and summer swimming about and chowing down on larvae and other tiny fare.
By August, their feathered gills have been re-absorbed to tiny nubbins and the newts have grown lungs and nostrils. They head to the uplands and the forest with the coming of the autumn rains.
Rough-skinned newts hunt their food, walking the forest floor and wagging their heads from side to side in search of snails, small slugs, insects and other invertebrates, which they bag with their sticky tongues.
Living three to 10 years, newts can be found in surprising density: Leonard remembers collecting 500 newts in one trap on one night at Fort Lewis.
Kelly McAllister, a biologist with the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, has been monitoring a pond south of Olympia for nearly 10 years. He has never come back without seeing some newts.
Virginia rails and blackbirds that share the boggy realm of the newt don't even come near as the newts swagger about on land, with their all-terrain, hand over hand, four-wheel amphibian drive. Eat one, and those birds would be dead in 10 minutes.
Scientists have exhaustively examined the newt's astounding toxicity, learning by force-feeding macerated newt skin to various animals that a single newt contains enough neurotoxin to keel over 1,500 white mice.
Scientists have tested 30 potential predators of newts, from belted kingfishers to great blue herons to bullfrogs and fish, finding in every case that the newt killed them.
Sometimes the newt crawled unharmed out of the gasping mouth of the deceased within minutes of being swallowed.
A sample of the poison had lost none of its potency when examined 11 months after storage.
Rough-skinned newts are common from the Coast Range near San Francisco through the entire west side of Washington all the way to Southeast Alaska. They are found as far east in Washington as Klickitat County. They are one of the most common amphibians in Western Washington, along with Pacific tree frogs, red-legged frogs and long-toed salamanders.
Handling them is a treat: They have soft, smooth skin, sweet faces and delicate, grasping arms and toes. It's OK to pick them up, but don't mistakenly brush your fingers to your lips or mouth until you wash your hands thoroughly.
Light as a ballpoint pen, a newt will rest in the palm, climbing with its forearms up to the index finger to have a look around. Look it in the eye, and the newt stares right back with a wise expression, not seeming a bit worried. Placed back on the ground, it walks off sedately, with a one-bite-and-you're-dead strut.
If startled, newts will sometimes display a so-called unken reflex: They shut their eyes and arch their back and tail upward to display a cantaloupe-orange belly. It's a warning to a potential predator of the newt's toxicity: The combination of a dark-brown, almost-black back and orange belly is a well-known Mr. Yuk sign in nature.
For all their toxicity, their appeal is undeniable.
"They are one of my favorites," said Lynn Havsall, former director of the Camp Long Nature Center in Seattle. "So beautiful. You just don't want to kiss them."
Friday, September 21, 2012
Saturday is Responsible Dog Ownership Day
The American Kennel Club has named Saturday “Responsible Dog Ownership Day” to remind all pet owners to take great care of their beloved canine companion. Whether you’re scheduling your pet for a physical exam, getting them vaccinated, or h
aving them groomed, be sure to do something extra special for them this Saturday. They are entrusted to your care for life, so it’s your job to give them what they deserve: responsible care.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Autumn Safety Tips
Ah, fall—there's nothing like crisp, cool air, the first months of school and luscious foliage to get you excited for the changing seasons. Your pet, too, is probably welcoming the break from hot, sticky weather. But pet parents, beware—fall is also a time of lurking dangers for our furry friends. From household poisons to cold weather hazards, the season is a minefield! Here are some tips to keep your pet snug and healthy during the autumn months.
- The use of rodenticides increases in the fall as rodents seek shelter from the cooler temperatures by attempting to move indoors. Rodenticides are highly toxic to pets—if ingested, the results could be fatal. If you must use these products, do so with extreme caution and put them in places inaccessible to your pets.
- It's back-to-school time, and those of you with young children know that means stocking up on fun items like glue sticks, pencils and magic markers. These items are considered “low toxicity” to pets, which means they're unlikely to cause serious problems unless large amounts are ingested. However, since gastrointestinal upset and blockages certainly are possible, be sure your children keep their school supplies out of paw's reach.
- Training tip: If you and your pooch haven't been active outdoors in a while because of the summer heat, do some remedial recall training. Dogs, like people, get rusty on their skills if they aren't using them.
- Fall and spring and are mushroom seasons. While 99% of mushrooms have little or no toxicity, the 1% that are highly toxic (PDF) can cause life-threatening problems in pets. Unfortunately, most of the highly toxic mushrooms are difficult to distinguish from the nontoxic ones, so the best way to keep pets from ingesting poisonous mushrooms is to keep them away from areas where any mushrooms are growing. Contact your veterinarian or theASPCA Animal Poison Control Center immediately if you witness your pet eating a wild mushroom.
- In order to generate body heat, pets who exercise heavily outdoors, or who live outdoors, should be given more food during colder seasons. Make sure horses and other outdoor animals have access to clean, fresh water that is not frozen.
- Autumn is the season when snakes who are preparing for hibernation may be particularly “grumpy,” increasing the possibility of severe bites to those unlucky pups who find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. Pet owners should know what kinds of venomous snakes may be in their environment—and where these snakes are most likely to be found—so they can keep pets out of those areas.
- Many people choose fall as the time to change their car's engine coolant. Ethylene glycol-based coolants are highly toxic, so spills should be cleaned up immediately. Consider switching to propylene glycol-based coolants—though they aren't completely nontoxic, they are much less toxic than other engine coolants.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Over-the-Counter Medications & Pets
It’s important to keep your medicines out of your pet’s reach at all times, because human medication can be toxic to your pets! When your pet feels sick or is acting under the weather, never give them a human medicine, but bring them in for veterinary care instead. Even if you mean well, a dose of human medicine could be fatal to your pet.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Did You Know?
Did you know…dogs can smell 44 times better than humans! Can you even imagine how amazing a steak must smell to a dog?
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Pets In Cars
Working up a good sweat in the summer months may be good for you, but it can lead to heat stroke in your pet. Brachycephalic (short-nosed) breeds, such as Pugs, Lhasa Apsos, Boston Terriers and Bulldogs are at a highly increased risk of heat stroke because their facial structure can make panting, the body’s way of cooling off, ineffective. This increased panting can actually interfere with their breathing, which may develop into respiratory distress. If you suspect your pet is suffering from heat stroke, get them to us immediately.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
June is Social PETworking Month
June is Social PETworking Month! This is a month designated to help pair families with homeless pets. The campaign allows Facebook, MySpace and Twitter addicts to put their hours online to good use by advertising adoptable pets to their networks to help get them seen and into loving homes. So if you know of any pets in need of good homes, take to Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and get the word out this June!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
5 Items You Might Have In Your Purse That Could Poison Your Pet
You’ve probably dog-proofed your house…but have you thought about what’s in your purse? Did you know that there are 5 items in your purse that could poison your canine companion?
Many purses contain pill bottles and dispensers. They are irresistible to some dogs, as they resemble toys that rattle. Each year, nearly half of the calls to Pet Poison Helpline concern ingestions of potentially toxic human medications. Common drugs including NSAIDs (e.g. Advil®, Aleve® and Motrin®), acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol®) and antidepressants (e.g. Effexor®, Cymbalta®, Prozac®) can cause serious harm to dogs and cats when ingested. NSAIDs such as Advil can cause stomach and intestinal ulcers as well as kidney failure, especially in cats. A single Tylenol tablet containing acetaminophen can be fatal to a cat, and in dogs, a larger ingestion can lead to severe liver failure. Of all medications, antidepressants account for the highest number of calls to Pet Poison Helpline, and can cause neurological problems like sedation, incoordination, agitation, tremors and seizures.
Asthma inhalers (albuterol)
Here’s a look at the top five most hazardous handbook contents:
Sugarless chewing gum and breath mintsMany women carry chewing gum in their purses and don’t realize that, if ingested by a dog, it can be fatal. Most sugarless gums, including some Trident™, Orbit™, and Ice Breaker™ brands, contain xylitol, a sweetener that is toxic to dogs. Some sugarless mints and flavored multi-vitamins may also be made with xylitol. When ingested, even small amounts of xylitol can result in a life-threatening and rapid drop in blood sugar, and if large amounts are ingested, dogs can suffer from severe liver failure. Signs of xylitol poisoning include vomiting, weakness, difficulty walking, collapse, tremors and seizures.
Human medicationsMany purses contain pill bottles and dispensers. They are irresistible to some dogs, as they resemble toys that rattle. Each year, nearly half of the calls to Pet Poison Helpline concern ingestions of potentially toxic human medications. Common drugs including NSAIDs (e.g. Advil®, Aleve® and Motrin®), acetaminophen (e.g. Tylenol®) and antidepressants (e.g. Effexor®, Cymbalta®, Prozac®) can cause serious harm to dogs and cats when ingested. NSAIDs such as Advil can cause stomach and intestinal ulcers as well as kidney failure, especially in cats. A single Tylenol tablet containing acetaminophen can be fatal to a cat, and in dogs, a larger ingestion can lead to severe liver failure. Of all medications, antidepressants account for the highest number of calls to Pet Poison Helpline, and can cause neurological problems like sedation, incoordination, agitation, tremors and seizures.
Asthma inhalers (albuterol)
While asthma inhalers are often used in veterinary medicine for cats and dogs, when accidentally chewed and punctured by dogs, they can cause severe, life-threatening, acute poisoning. Because inhalers often contain concentrated doses (often 200 doses in one small vial) of beta-agonist drugs (e.g., albuterol) or steroids (e.g., fluticasone), dogs that chew into them are exposed to massive amounts of the drugs all at once. This can lead to severe poisoning, resulting in life-threatening heart arrhythmias, agitation, vomiting, collapse and death.
CigarettesAs few as three cigarettes can be fatal to a small dog, depending on the strength or “lightness” of the cigarettes. After ingestion, clinical signs of distress can become apparent in as little as 15 minutes. Cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and even gum (Nicorette®) contain nicotine, which is toxic to dogs and cats. Exposure causes high heart and respiratory rates, neurological overstimulation, uncontrolled urination/defecation, tremors, seizures, paralysis and death.
Hand SanitizerIn recent years, hand sanitizer has become a common item in millions of handbags. Many hand sanitizers claim to kill almost 100 percent of germs, and this possible because they contain high amounts of alcohol (ethanol) – sometimes up to 95 percent. Therefore, when a dog ingests a small bottle of hand sanitizer, it can have the same effect as a shot of hard liquor. This can cause a severe drop in blood sugar, incoordination, a drop in body temperature, neurological depression, coma and death.
Whether you are the host or a guest at a holiday party, be sure that purses are placed in a safe location and out of the reach of pets. When in doubt, hang it up.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Pets & Cookouts
Did you know that some of the most common foods we eat during our cookouts are the most dangerous foods for our pets? Meat with bones in it, such as chicken and ribs, are extremely dangerous for our pets to get a hold of and bones can puncture the stomach and other organs if swallowed because they cannot be digested. Corn-on-the-cob can also be dangerous because dogs have been known to swallow the cob whole! What do you do to keep your dog busy with something else during the barbeque?
Friday, April 20, 2012
Did you know that heartworm, fleas and other parasites could be prevented? These pesky critters can wreck havoc on your pet's body and make their lives miserable. We recommend TRIFEXIS, a once-monthly tablet that kills fleas, prevents heartworm disease and treats and controls adult hookworm, roundworm and whipworm infections. Ask one of our trained professionals about TRIFEXIS at your next visit to either of our Redmond locations.
24326 NE Redmond-Fall City Road,
7251 W Lake Sammamish Pkwy NE,
Fall City,
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Pets & Easter Chocolate
Chocolate is delicious to most of us, but for your pet, it's a different story. Chocolate can contain high amounts of fat and methylxanthines (a caffeine-like ingredient), which can cause flu-like symptoms in your pet if eaten. Some of these symptoms could include vomiting and diarrhea, panting, excessive thirst and urination, seizures and in severe cases it can be fatal. Avoid endangering the life of your pet...give them pet-safe treats instead!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Amanda Brothers: Staff Highlight
We are proud to highlight Amanda Brothers this March. Amanda is a Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA) with a Bachelor's degree in psychology from Stanford University and a strong background in the art and science of animal learning. She has been working professionally with dogs since 2000 and has supplemented her hands on experience with formal training in classes, seminars and workshops given by leaders in the field of dog behavior and training.
She is a regular contributor to the Journal Newspapers' "Pampered Pets" column and her training advice has been featured on The Animal Rescue Site, The Bark Blog and in both City Dog and Dog Fancy magazines.
In addition to being a Certified Professional Dog Trainer, Amanda is a professional member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT), an AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Approved Evaluator, and an active member of Puget Sound Positive Trainers (PSPT).
Amanda worked for over three years as Adoption and Admissions Supervisor at The Seattle Humane Society (Bellevue, WA ) and was Dog Program Manager at Homeward Pet Adoption Center (Woodinville, WA) for over a year. In 2006, she set a record for the number of dogs saved and adopted out of Homeward Pet. She is a big believer in giving back to the community and regularly contributes to organizations that work to improve the lives of human and non-human animals, including Echo Glen Children's Center in Snoqualmie, WA.
Amanda lives in Sammamish with her husband and their five adopted dogs. She competes in agility with Foggy (Aussie/Lab), Poe (Rat Terrier) and Wren (Border/Staff).
We are glad to have a dedicated team member like Amanda at All Things Pawsitive.
She is a regular contributor to the Journal Newspapers' "Pampered Pets" column and her training advice has been featured on The Animal Rescue Site, The Bark Blog and in both City Dog and Dog Fancy magazines.
In addition to being a Certified Professional Dog Trainer, Amanda is a professional member of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers (APDT), an AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Approved Evaluator, and an active member of Puget Sound Positive Trainers (PSPT).
Amanda worked for over three years as Adoption and Admissions Supervisor at The Seattle Humane Society (Bellevue, WA ) and was Dog Program Manager at Homeward Pet Adoption Center (Woodinville, WA) for over a year. In 2006, she set a record for the number of dogs saved and adopted out of Homeward Pet. She is a big believer in giving back to the community and regularly contributes to organizations that work to improve the lives of human and non-human animals, including Echo Glen Children's Center in Snoqualmie, WA.
Amanda lives in Sammamish with her husband and their five adopted dogs. She competes in agility with Foggy (Aussie/Lab), Poe (Rat Terrier) and Wren (Border/Staff).
We are glad to have a dedicated team member like Amanda at All Things Pawsitive.
Friday, March 2, 2012
March is Poison Prevention Month
March is Poison Prevention Month. Did you know that some regular household substances can be poisonous to your pet? It’s important to keep an eye on the things that your pet consumes, and that includes things out in the yard! We suggest keeping your poisonous substances, such as fertilizers, slug bait, pesticides, paints, and cleaning products on high shelves inside the shed or garage. And be sure to thoroughly clean any spills on the driveway or garage floor. You never know what your pet might get into!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Basic Manners Training Class
We are very excited for our Basic Manners Training Class to begin! Classes are $149 and run from 7pm to 8pm starting Wednesday March 7th. This course focuses on foundation skills such as Paying Attention, Leash Walking, Self Control, Police Greetings, Settle, Targeting, Leave it, Recall and More. The class is open to dogs 5 months and older and is designed as on ongoing class which means that you can pick your own start date and join the class anytime. Click the link to sign up today!
Click here for Training Purchase Form!
Click here for Training Enrollment Form!
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